Outside the Colbert Report
Stephen is awesomer in person than he is on the show. He is also geekier. These are not ways of saying the same thing (though I've been known to be a fan of geeky). Let's get the bad out of the way before I begin endlessly gushing about Colbert. He always says on the show that he's a big fan of Lord of the Rings trilogy, but he is not kidding-- he has entire poems memorized from the books and he's not embarrassed to spew them out at pretty ladies. Um, not so good.
Okay, now that that's out of the way, Colbert walks on water. He is the kind of religious man that lives the teachings of his religion. He advocates tolerance, charity, and community. He is hilarious. Michele and I laughed the entire time we were there. He is tired of the bullshit he has to make fun of every day. As hilarious as his rant against Congressman Steve King was on the show, in between segments he boiled it down to, "Who comes out in favor of dog fighting? Seriously, what is he talking about?" Why is Colbert on an entertainment program and King is in our government when clearly it should be the other way around?
Reporting on Congressman Steve King's glassy-eyed man puppies
He also told this amazing story about how he decided to go into comedy, but the best part was this quote, "I wanted to do something where there was so much joy in failure." It struck a note with me. Obviously we don't ever want to fail, but when it happens anyway, how much better would our lives be if we could run with it, guilt-free?
Michele and I closed out our perfect girls night with Indian food and drinks. I am running out of time to have Michele in New York. I am super happy for her that she is chasing her dreams (!) but I am really getting sad about her leaving.
Me with Colbert-glow. I heart him.
1 comment:
i <3 colbert. and ericka.
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