Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Casey's Accident 2013

On Friday morning I woke up to terrifying news. Jon told me he'd heard Casey had been in a car accident. It's been a very scary few weeks for our friends and it felt like another horrible thing was crashing down on us. Kevin was still sleeping when I heard so I tried to get as much information and contact Casey's wife Victoria before I woke him up to tell him anything. Since we couldn't really get any information, I waited until Kevin got up. I started with the most important part first. Casey was stable in the hospital and we were expecting him to recover.

Later we found out that he had been hit by a cab while he was riding his bicycle to the T on Thursday night. When he woke up he was in the ER at Mass General. When we first heard he was at Mass General we worried that he was there because he'd been sent there for serious injuries because it's one of the best hospitals in the area. It turned out that the accident had taken place near Mass General so they were able to rush him there easily. His wife Victoria and his two kids live some distance outside of Boston so it took some time for Victoria to get there and see exactly what was happening.

  2013 05 Casey 01
Casey and his family near their home in Massachusetts

Casey is home recovering with his family. He still has a ways to go. I hope he knows how very loved he is by all of his friends and family.

There is this terrible feeling when you find out that you have suddenly lost someone you care about, or that you might lose someone you care about. Not just the pain and the horror, but also the regret. You wish you had seen them more, told them more how much you cared, loved them even better than you did. Over the years that follow, I will endeavor to do those things. If we're lucky we won't have to be reminded of loss for many years to come.

Update: The Boston Police report says that the head coach of the Boston Bruins Claude Julien witnessed the accident, called for help, and stayed with Casey until the ambulance arrived. How amazing! Thank you for saving our friend, coach!

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