Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Mother's Day 2015

I had a super fun Mother's Day. My mom came over Saturday and babysat while Kevin and I went to meet Lionor, and I could tell she and Miranda had really bonded when I came back. Miranda decided that her favorite book is Dinosaur versus the Library (thanks Michele!) because she likes all the roaring and voices we do when we read it, so she carried it over to my mother approximately 500 times so that she would read it to her. Even though the rest of us offered to read it to her (even James who knows it by heart) Miranda kept insisting my mom read it. Poor Nana. Haha.

Mother's Day 2015
Outside Swing the Teapot

Sunday, mom and I went to breakfast at the same place we went last year, Swing the Teapot, and it was still good. It's a tea place too, but mom doesn't like tea so I drank an entire teapot of chocolate-mint tea by myself. That might have been an error in judgment because I didn't sleep that night for like 2 hours, but it was so yummy.

Mother's Day 2015
Looking pretty as usual.

Mother's Day 2015
Action shot!

Mother's Day 2015
With Miranda and James and dandelion

James made me a pretty cool card at school too with his hand print as the flower petals. Miranda can't do much beyond say mama and give me kisses but the kisses are super awesome. Kevin made me the comfort food dinner I wanted and watched Mean Girls with me at night. So pretty much a perfect Mother's Day.

Mother's Day 2015
The Clous on Mother's Day

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