Monday, February 17, 2014

Valentine's Day 2014

Happy Valentine's Day! We had one of the best yet. Kevin takes James to a toddler group on Mondays and James made me his first ever Valentine there! I get so excited by this stuff. Kevin got me a dozen red roses and a really sweet card. I also discovered Kevin's short story collection dedication to me this week while perusing the pages on Amazon, and I totally cried. I love it.

Valentine's Day 2014
Valentine's Day family picture

Valentine's Day 2014
My first Valentine from James!

We started our day with a view of our new little Valentine. I had my 30-week sonogram. She's not so little. She's got huge chipmunk cheeks and the sonogram technician estimated that she's 4 pounds 8 ounces which was a little bigger than James's estimate was at that age, and is more normal for babies that are 33 weeks along. My dreams of avoiding a repeat c-section are dimming.

2014 02 14 Sonogram 139
My littlest Valentine at 30 weeks. She wouldn't stay still.

In the evening, we were planning on going to a chain-style family restaurant because we didn't have a babysitter this year and we were bringing James with us. Unfortunately when we got to our chosen Long Island location, even though we got there very early, we discovered lots of families had the same brilliant plan. Suddenly we found ourselves driving to the scene of our 2012 Valentines Day dinner to get sushi. But this time we picked another sushi restaurant, Kaji (right next to the one we went to in 2012, Sushi Ya).

Valentine's Day 2014
Kaji Sushi

Valentine's Day 2014
Smelling the roses, so to speak

We got home a little late but I squeezed in a brief Pinterest-inspired photo shoot. Dada did not approve.

Valentine's Day 2014
Blame Pinterest.

Valentine's Day 2014
Kisses after bathtime and before bed.

Valentine's Day 2014

I feel really lucky for my 2.5 Valentines. I love you guys!

Last year we had sushi in Brooklyn...
Valentine's Day 2007-2012

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