Thursday, September 30, 2010

Dad Back in Rehab 2010

Dad finally moved to rehab yesterday, now that the doctors are comfortable that his kidney is back to functioning well on its own. Dad was transferred to a different facility than before, because his on-going leg pain in his right leg prevents him from returning to aggressive rehab.

He no longer needs speech therapy because his ability to speak has now fully returned thanks to the second brain surgery. Though as result of that surgery, his hairdo is still very punk. He started being able to read on his own again about two days ago. And now he can sit up for an hour or two which he couldn't do in rehab before. He still can't walk much or without assistance. He worked on his left leg today, and will be working on upper body strength.

Because his kidney is working again he can also metabolize the kidney cancer drug Sutent. The lower dose had no effect and his tumors got larger. He will start on a higher dose today or tomorrow, and hopefully that will take effect.

Mom continues to be a superhero and helps care for dad 12 hours a day every day. That's a more rigorous schedule than even Big Law attorneys have.



hang in there!

kathy said...

That is such good news!

BlueRidgePATC said...

Yeah, good news! Please pass along our well wishes to your Mom and Dad.

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