Saturday, September 3, 2016

Kindergarten Orientation 2016

James is starting Kindergarten on Tuesday! So far, we've had two visits to his new school. Last week we got to walk around the building together. We were actually supposed to drop off supplies then too, but we hadn't been able to find the supply list until that day. Tuesday we had Kindergarten Orientation. The kids went to their classroom with PTO volunteers and rode the school bus around town. They also very briefly met their teacher.

Kindergarten Orientation 2016
The bus for the kids ride around the school

Kindergarten Orientation 2016
James is excited and happy to start soon

Kindergarten Orientation 2016
Parents checking in

Kindergarten Orientation 2016
James visiting his class

The adults sat in an auditorium that was 500 degrees, heard about the school, and briefly saw the Kindergarten teachers. We also got advice regarding packing snacks and lunches, sending kids on the bus, picking up from school, and not freaking out as a parent so that your kids maintain their cool. At the end we got to meet some of the other parents in our class. The first mom I met was named Erica and her husband's name is Kevin. True story.

Kindergarten Orientation 2016
The long sad walk away from my kid... sniff.

Kindergarten Orientation 2016
Auditorium full of Long Island parents, and now I'm one too.
They were playing, "Forever Young," by Rod Stewart.

Kindergarten Orientation 2016
Introducing the Kindergarten teachers! There's Mr. J in purple.

Kindergarten Orientation 2016
There are 5 classes,  with about 20 kids each!

Kindergarten Orientation 2016
Picking up James from his orientation. His new BFF is pointing to him.

School Supplies for Kindergarten 2016-17
So many school supplies!

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