Thursday, March 26, 2015

Miranda is 11 Months and Walking 2015

While we were staying in Charlottesville, Miranda turned 11 months old. But have no fear! I packed her month sticker!

Miri is 11 Months 2015
My sticker says 11 months!

Her most noticeable change is that she started walking! She took her first steps on February 24, a few days after turning 10 months old, and just a few days later she was practically running around the house, turning corners with ease and even carrying heavy toys around with her!

March 2015
Running with the bottle, March 4.

Now that she can walk she has a better vantage point from which to attack-tackle James. This might look cute in pictures, but she is BRUTAL to James. The problem is James encourages it and even laughs most of the time, but every now and then she really clocks him!

March 2015
The anatomy of a tackle

The other amazing thing is that I was finally able to put her down for naps alone! She resisted this just like James did as a baby, but once I night sleep-trained her she got used to the idea that I wasn't going to pick her up after I put her in her crib until she slept. Besides, James used to throw up from anxiousness if I put him down for a nap. I found the fact that Miranda didn't do that to be very encouraging. My life is so much better now that she has a little alone time, and she actually naps better. Plus James hated being quiet while I held her, now he can be a little more active while she's in her room with the door closed.

March 2015
In her sleepsack on a morning we woke her to get her on Daylight Saving schedule

Skills and personality: This baby has mad skills. She says dada (first word), mama (for me and for milk), and for a little while she said baba for ball. That's gone away now though.

March 2015

She crawled, danced, and walked in that order. Her dancing is officially awesome. She drops her butt and bounces to the beat. She prefers funk music. She also claps when she really likes music. 

She points for things she wants. A lot. She's kind of running the place with her little index finger, actually. She also gives high fives though that's been going on for a long time.

She plays and copies us and James. She scribbles. She loves getting her picture taken and sometimes tries to see the result of the picture on my phone or camera.

February 2015
Doing a little baking...

February 2015
Stole James's Leapfrog but appears to be using it correctly

She has her own little sense of humor. She thinks she's funny. She kind of is. She's a little mean which is part of her humor, and she's very stubborn. She understands "no" and also that it doesn't apply to her.

March 2015
Pretending to feed James a bottle.

March 2015
Love this expression!

March 2015

She's been giving hugs for a long time, but while we were in DC she started making kissy noises which I take to mean she is giving us kisses. So far I've only noticed her blow kisses to me and Kevin.

Miri is 11 Months 2015
Best friends.

Miri is 11 Months 2015

Miri is 11 Months 2015
Love her like crazy!

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