Sunday, September 21, 2014

Fairfax, VA 2014

We traveled to Fairfax for a really quick visit for Kevin's reading at GMU! Luckily, our friends were awesome and almost all came out to see us in the two days we were there.

The drive was terrible, but not as terrible as we'd feared. Miranda hates the car but it turns out she's fine if we just let her drive. So we did.

Fairfax VA 2014
Miranda is perplexed how Waze could be so wrong about everything.

The kids were happy to get the hotel and start living the dream. James was especially excited since we'd promised him there would be a pool!

Fairfax VA 2014
Living the Hyatt high life.

Fairfax VA 2014
Janice came out to see us!

Fairfax VA 2014
And Cory!

Fairfax VA 2014
And Megan!

Fairfax VA 2014
The pool! James loved it but Miranda was a little dubious.

Fairfax VA 2014
And then, who should we happen to meet at the pool? Roger, Lina, and Caleb!

Fairfax VA 2014
Someone's thumb, Lina, Caleb, Miranda, me

Even better, after the pool, I got to go out to dinner with Janice and Megan! Without kids! It was the only other time I've gone out for fun besides Jackie and Rob's wedding. In 5 months. Or more maybe. Whooo boy, I was like a crazy woman on the loose. I had almost one whole drink and I had dinner AND an appetizer. That's right. Rebel without a cause.

Fairfax VA 2014

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