Friday, September 19, 2014

Lit Crawl NYC 2014

Kevin and his publisher participated in "Lit Crawl NYC" which is a yearly event. The organizers set up several events throughout the day involving literature. Kevin played led a team in "Literary Taboo" for his publisher Black Balloon Publishing against team captain Catherine Lacey Electric Literature. Basically they had to describe books and authors without using certain words.

Nick, who's kind of a trivia master, was on his team. The following exchange occurred.

Kevin: (Looks at card, sees book series he's never read) It's a job a young girl might have, and this is the central organization.
Audience: (Hysterical laughing.)

Lit Crawl NYC
Nick, when it was his turn to give clues.

Needless to say, Kevin's team won.

Okay, okay, here's another good one, from the other team.
Woman we don't know: It's the book your asshole Republican college boyfriend buys you a copy of and insists you read.

After that Kevin and friends went to a reading at Swift Hibernian Lounge, (Eric Boyd, Phil Klay, Abeer Hoque, Ali Power, and Genya Turovskaya) in support of the Guernica/PEN Flash Series and PEN Poetry Series. And finally, they went to the After-Party at the Magician, which is already one of Kevin's favorite bars.

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