Monday, February 23, 2015

Miranda is 10 Months 2015

Miranda is 10 Months 2015 

Skills: She says Mama sometimes to me, and sometimes says Dada to Kevin. She says "J" sometimes in the general direction of James. She points to stuff she wants. She claps with delight or to music.

She understands "no" but just laughs and shakes her head when you try to tell her she can't do something. We're in so much trouble.

February 2015
The face she makes when you say "no!"

She can stand and balance, cruise from furniture to furniture, and occasionally dances on the spot, and has attempted a step forward, but she hasn't successfully walked yet. But we're sure it's going to happen soon!

February 2015
Standing and bopping.

Sleep: She's still sleeping through the night but waking up a bit earlier.  She's been sleeping from 7:40 pm to 7 - 8 am. I am definitely worried about what will happen during daylight savings time.

We still hold her for naps, but to be fair we haven't even tried to put her down in ages. Because she defeated us.

February 2015 
Shaking her finger "no" while sleeping!

Food: She eats everything. If you try to give her something you wouldn't personality eat, she calls you out on it by spitting it out and pointing at what you're eating. But if it's delicious enough for you, it's delicious enough for her. Her favorites are probably bread, mac n' cheese, and beef.

January 2015
I eat cheerios and judgment for breakfast.

Growth: She basically has 4 teeth now. I can see all 4, though the most recent one is about halfway out. She's in 12 month clothing.

January 2015 
Dada brushing her 4 teeth.

Personality: Oh she's the best. Feisty and determined. She has her own little rebel sense of humor, and giggles all the time. She gets her way... or else.

February 2015 
Just microwaving some veggies and ...

February 2015
... grilling up some chicken.

Kevin is obsessively in love. Me too.

January 2015
Bedtime snuggles

Valentine's Day 2015
Naptime selfie.

James is her best friend. It's them against the world. Even when she tortures him, which is several times a day every day, he's very patient with her.

January 2015
Oh I just took your seat. Deal with it.

Playing in their room.

January 2015

January 2015
You're in my way!

January 2015
Making sandwiches.

January 2015
When James tries to go to the potty alone.

January 2015
Little late-night cooking.

February 2015
It's a ghost!

February 2015
No it's James!

February 2015
Oh, okay... here then.

February 2015
This happened.

Miranda is 10 Months 2015
He loves her!

Miranda is 10 Months 2015
And she loves him!

If you're still here, I lost all the Miranda pregnancy weight, though I'm still rocking about 6 pounds of James pregnancy weight still.

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