Food: She nurses, drinks formula, and eats everything. She prefers finger foods and anything I'm eating.
Growth: She's outgrew 6-month clothing. She wears sizes 6-9 months, 9 months, and 9-12 months. I think she's 18 or 19 pounds.
She rolls away but it doesn't seem like she does it on purpose. She sits safely without falling over 90% of the time. She's still in the pre-crawling stage where she gets in crawling position and then either lays down or sits back up. But between scooting and half crawls, she goes quite a distance from wherever you sit her down.
Slithering, beginning of the month
Pre-crawling, end of the month
She can stand leaning for a few seconds on her own, and she pulls up on us but not on furniture. She dances even though she can't stand or walk!
Cucumber Stand
First time pulling up on her own! 12/2/14
Personality: She's a troublemaker. She prefers James's toys, and anything off limits, especially computer cords. She gets her way 100% of the time. She plays innocent in public.
She's not that grumpy anymore unless her naps are interrupted. She takes a third nap still but she's thinking about switching to two.
Around 5 pm her mama-preference kicks in. Kevin can talk her out of it by feeding her a lot of food.
She only says "dada" but she says it regularly. Here's a conversation I have with her every day:
M: A-dada?
E: Mama! Ma-Ma! Ma! Ma!
M: Dada. Dada. Dada.
She's not that grumpy anymore unless her naps are interrupted. She takes a third nap still but she's thinking about switching to two.
Around 5 pm her mama-preference kicks in. Kevin can talk her out of it by feeding her a lot of food.
She only says "dada" but she says it regularly. Here's a conversation I have with her every day:
M: A-dada?
E: Mama! Ma-Ma! Ma! Ma!
M: Dada. Dada. Dada.
She continues to hate sitting in the bath (we have to stand her up like she's taking a shower). Kevin has called her out on how unreasonable she's being but she's unmoved.
Ribbon destruction, like bra-burning but more precocious
Me: The not-sleeping-through the night thing is really getting to me. My personality does not sparkle like it used to.
Kevin: Kevin is eager to move Miranda to her crib but like me, he's worried about going through sleep-training. She makes Kevin stand while feeding her formula, and he does because he's wrapped around her finger.
James: James loves school, going out anywhere with us, and his babysitter. He can now spell many more words than I have bothered to keep track of- James, mama, dada, Miranda, nana, Grandma, and lost of others. He's been really acting out lately. I think it's a bad combination of not sleeping enough, not going outside enough to burn off energy because it's winter, and general Miranda jealousy.
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