Friday, March 26, 2010

Espirit Red Carpet Opening 2010

Esprit Flagship Store Opening in NYC 2010
This week, in between working a full day, and going back to the office late night, Michele took her friend Susan, her cousin Tatiana, and me to the opening of the Esprit flagship store in Manhattan. It was a semi-fancy affair with a red carpet and free wine and champagne.

Half the people there were related to the fashion industry in some way. And the other half of us, well, not-so-much. The difference was a bit obvious. There were models mixed in the crowd, and a ton of other people who I figured were "somebody" except I don't read fashion magazines or watch the right television shows so I couldn't figure out who they were. Here is an incomplete list for those of you who know about these things or care: Emmy Rossum, Robert Verdi, Erin Lucas, Andy Hilfiger, Amanda Ross, Merideth Melling Burke, Paula Meronek, David Meister, DJ Mia Moretti, and Ryan Kehoe. There were also a bunch of people who seem to be known simply for being all the places famous or rich people go.

I was most impressed by Jennifer Love Hewitt, who was standing on the red carpet when we arrived. Jennifer Love Hewitt! She has lost too much weight and seemed positively waifish (this photo adds 5-10 pounds) but we love her just the same.

Esprit Flagship Store Opening in NYC 2010

Before we left Macy Gray performed a few songs. It was a fun night, and thanks to Michele, so different than what I usually get to do.

Esprit Flagship Store Opening in NYC 2010


michele L said...

yay to being fabulous new yorkers! i'm so glad you went and promise to continue to scout other fabulous activities for us to do in between your working day and night shifts :)

Ana said...

Oh kind of evening....I heard they had a beautiful male model in the window all day....*sigh I miss NYC

Ericka said...

Yes, I thought of you! I thought you would be dressed perfectly and know some of the fashion people.

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