Monday, November 30, 2009

First Married Thanksgiving in MA 2009

We had a lovely first-married Thanksgiving on the Cape. We went to visit Kevin's mother and her family. His mom even made my favorite dish of sweet potatoes with marshmallows on top. Kevin's cousin Katie doesn't usually make it for Thanksgiving so we missed her this year.

Thanksgiving 2009

I'm used to spending holidays on the Cape. Besides spending the last two Christmases with Kevin's family, my dad's family has been spending Thanksgiving on the Cape for many years. This year we got to have two Thanksgiving dinners, one with the Rogers, and one with the Shutes!
I was completely spoiled this weekend with loads of old family pictures from Kevin's mother and grandmother. Kevin also drove me around to get my hair cut (I cut it all off!) and nails done, and Christmas Tree Shop-shopping. I am one well-rested happy wife.

Thanksgiving 2009
With Kevin's mom

Thanksgiving 2009
Kevin's grandparents have been married for 59 years!

Thanksgiving 2009
Nesie, Steve, Gramps, Dickie, Chris (not pictured Mary)

One of the best parts of seeing the Shutes is watching my cousin Griffin grow up. I hate it when I don't see children for many years and they hardly remember who I am. I didn't get to spend a lot of time with my brother when he was growing up, and if I had to do over again, I would go out of my way to see him more. I missed seeing my other cousins Graham and Rachel grow up as well. Now I worry about the same thing with my friend's babies.

Thanksgiving 2009
With my parents

Thanksgiving 2009
Cooking dinner together

Thanksgiving 2009
The yearly burning of the sweet potatoes and marshmallows

Thanksgiving 2009
Good times!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Boston Celtics v. NY Knicks 2009

Good times! Can you tell who we were rooting for? Most of us are Celtics fans, though I'm not sure where Brian stands on the issue. Sadly we lost and I don't really want to go into the sadness. But at least we saw a bunch of famous people courtside.

Boston Celtics v. NY Knicks 2009
Mike, Brian, Me, James (low down) Kevin, Jon, and Becky

Boston Celtics v. NY Knicks 2009

Boston Celtics v. NY Knicks 2009

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Brunch Moment of Zen 2009

Sarah and Lukas came to visit us in Brooklyn and we did our favorite thing - brunch at Abilene. Woo!

Brunch at Abilene 2009

Sunday, November 8, 2009

David's 21st Birthday 2009!

Last night Kevin and I went out for my brother David's 21st birthday. I accidentally ended up celebrating someone's 21st birthday about two and half years ago, but in general, I haven't done that sort of thing since the year 2000. He celebrated with dinner and dancing at a Latin restaurant/club in the East Village. After sending him some flan with a birthday candle in it, Kevin and I got down with our bad-salsa-dancing selves. We are very bad at salsa, but a large mango martini told me that this was not so.

David's 21st Birthday 2009
David and his best friends celebrating his 21st with dinner

David's 21st Birthday 2009
Melanie and David

David's 21st Birthday 2009
Blowing out a candle on his flan

We had a fabulous time and we love David and his girlfriend Melanie. His other friends were also friendly and fun. David and I have really odd things in common considering we weren't raised together and it's interesting and weird to figure them out. We both have the family dimple in our shoulder, we have bad senses of direction, we are what people call "light weights" though I don't think either of us minds this, and we feel compelled to label friends as family members. There are other things, but those are the easiest to explain.

Happy birthday, David!

David's 21st Birthday 2009
Everyone on the dance floor

David's 21st Birthday 2009
Familia! and Mango drinks!
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