Thursday, March 16, 2017

Miranda in a Toddler Bed!- March 2017

Miranda never escaped her crib and though it is seemed liked a good idea to keep her in the crib as long as possible, lifting her in and out was getting a little tough. I've often regretted that drop-side cribs are no longer considered safe or legal.

I was expecting her to try to abuse her new freedom, and I figured it might be a two-parent job to keep bringing her back to bed at night. Kevin has Spring Break this week so it was this week or when his classes were over in May. But since we'll travel in May, this seemed like the smarter week. Also, it was the beginning of Daylight Savings this weekend so we could kill two birds with one stone.

March 2017
Converted the crib to a toddler bed on Saturday

March 2017
Lots of stuffed animal friends and dolls

She loved her bed and didn't attempt to escape on the first night at all, but she did greet us in in the morning in our bedroom for the first time ever. The second night went less smoothly as she got up by accident, confused about what time it was and was scared that it was dark and she couldn't see anyone, but I brought her back to bed and she went back to sleep. Surprisingly, it's been pretty smooth sailing since then. It's been easier than I remember the toddler bed transition with James, though James did it about 8 months earlier in his toddler career because he escaped.

March 2017
Testing it out.

She keeps asking me, "I a big girl now?" Almost, baby girl. Almost.

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