Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Changes, Tectonic and Otherwise 2011

Tuesday was my last day of maternity leave and my last day with my law firm. I went into the office to sort out a few things with human resources. It was a little bitter sweet. I started working there in September of 2008, but since I also summered there in 2007, I've had a relationship with many of the people there for four years (some, whom I went to law school with, for even longer). I hope to stay in touch with some people, but everyone there is so busy that I'm not sure to what extent that will happen. My plan is to stay home with the baby for a little while and then find a slightly more family-friendly job.

Passed the NY Bar!
With coworkers Victoria and Brian after passing the NY Bar in 2008

On my way back home from the office there was a 5.9 earthquake in Mineral, Virginia, that was felt in New York, and as far up north as Massachusetts. My friend Sarah in Virginia said her whole house rolled for what felt like quite a while. In New York everyone felt shaking and buildings swaying.

Except James and me. We felt nothing at all.

I was underground in Penn Station, and good news-- it's a total fortress. Not one solitary brick moved. The trains didn't even rattle a bit. I only knew an earthquake had taken place because the conversation around me changed from the imminent ten-year anniversary of September 11th to reports of an earthquake in Virginia, and the possible delay of trains while engineers in New York checked the Long Island Rail Road tunnels for aftershock damage. We were only delayed 10 minutes, so my guess is that it wasn't a very thorough check.

James was home on Long Island with Kevin. As Kevin said, "James, who wakes up when a bird flies past the window, slept through his first earthquake." Kevin grabbed him and got under the doorframe in our living room while James continued to snooze peacefully.

James at 17 weeks + 1 day 2011
James place-holder photo, to be changed after I get photos from my camera ;)

[Update: Decided to keep photo since Michele liked it. Check the next post for a post-earthquake shot.]


michele L said...

i really like the place holder photo

kclou said...

James has no idea how happy he is that you left this job.

Rachel said...

If blogger allowed for "liking", I would like what Kevin said.

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